
IAM Security Guard
security guard
Union engine rebuilder
Healthcare workers

Who We


The IAM represents a vast spectrum of workers in the both the transportation and automotive industries. However, we are not limited to auto and truck technicians.

Who We


The IAM also represents over the road and delivery drivers, industrial fork lift technicians, certified pool and ice technicians, customer service representatives along with vehicle service attendants, public sector employees, and machinist.

About Us

Local 1363

With over one-hundred years of experience, and representing members with dignity on the job, this local has negotiated lucrative wage increases, along with better health and retirement benefits.

Our Ethics

and beliefs

The IAM believes is providing workers an opportunity of a voice in their workplace and ensuring justice on the job.

Learn more

IAM National

Pension Fund

The IAM National Pension Fund has provided valuable retirement benefits for members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers and their families since 1960.

IAM Pension


The IAM National Pension Fund provides participants with a defined-benefit pension plan for their retirement.

Learn more

Facts About

The Union

For more than 120 years, unions have fought for workers’ rights and the benefits so often taken for granted.

Facts About

The Union

The IAM is one of the largest and most diverse labor unions in North America. From Boeing and Lockheed Martin to United Airlines and Harley-Davidson, you will find IAM members across all walks of life.

Learn more

News And Links 

Dealers Union Insurance Fund Contact Information

Phone: 1-855-908-9466  Fax: 412-224-4465

Visit the Local 1363 Social Media Sites

"strength in unity"

Become a Machinists Union member today

Read the IAM Journal, the award-winning magazine of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Worker

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IAM Journal Archives

About Us

Local Lodge 1363 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers


Local Lodge 1363 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM&AW, IAM) was chartered and completed on October 14, 1919. Steeped in a rich tradition and always being in the forefront of the labor movement, many prominent leaders were cultivated from Local 1363. The likes of William W. Winpisinger, affectionately known as (Wimpy), who rose up from a flat rate technician at Lake Buick on Cleveland's west side, all the way to the highest position in the Union, the I.A.M.'s International President. Another great labor leader who was instrumental in the growth and development of the Local was Phil Zannella Senior. He was responsible for growing the membership and securing rich contracts for the membership throughout the years. The jurisdiction of Local 1363 stretches from Columbus north to Cleveland and both state lines of Ohio.

IAM Local 1363 represents highly skilled technicians, body repairmen, painters, garagemen, parts department personnel in the automotive and trucking industry. The local lodge has secured contracts with many city municipalities whose workers help keep the cities operating. Additionally, Local 1363 has truck drivers, skilled machinists, customer service rep’s and vehicle service attendants under contract.

The local lodge takes on the responsibility, with their skilled negotiators, to bargain over better wages, working conditions, retirement, healthcare benefits and hours of work. Upon completion of the collective bargaining process, membership will then vote on the package presented to them. If the vote is ratified, the Union and the Employer then sign the agreement and both sides have a guaranteed contract.

IAM Local Lodge 1363 has always been a cornerstone in the Machinists Union. With nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers it is one of the largest and most diverse labor Unions in North America. From Boeing and Lockheed Martin to United Airlines, Harley-Davidson and UPS, you will find IAM members across all walks of life. IAM members demand respect and dignity in the workplace. Together, we have been able to bargain for increased job security, higher wages and improved benefits. If you are interested in joining the IAM family, you have come to the right place. The IAM is here to help you secure a voice on the job.

By forming a Union, workers provide themselves with the opportunity to secure a voice in their workplace and ensure justice on the job. Union members are able to sit down with management as equals and bargain for better workplace conditions. For some, that might be higher wages and better benefits. For others, it might be job security or fair treatment. Regardless of your specific needs, the Union is here to help. Union members continue to earn more each year than their non-union counter parts. That's why workers seek out the Union to improve their benefits and working conditions all across North America.

IAM Local 1363 welder
IAM Forklift Operator
IAM Union Member
Ravens Truck Body

Join the IAM

What are the benefits of joining a Union?

The job of your union is to negotiate on your behalf for better wages and benefits through a legal and binding contract, then to enforce that contract and represent you when you encounter day-to-day problems with your employer. By joining together as a union, you and your co-workers have the collective strength to make sure you get decent contracts and fair treatment on the job. Your right to join or form a union is guaranteed by federal law under the Nation Labor Relations Act.

How do I join the IAM?

The process of organizing can be intimidating if you don’t know what to expect. Many employers will resist any attempt their employees make to organize. It’s important to remember that it is your LEGAL RIGHT to join a union. The Machinists Union Organizing Department can help you take the first step in becoming a union member. We have an experienced and motivated staff to lead you through your campaign. Click the “Join” tab at the top of the screen and fill out the form to get started.

Why is Management opposed to Unions?

Without a Union, management has all the power and is able to make every decision on their own, without input from workers. With a union, workers have a united voice and are able to participate in the decisions that affect wages, benefits and working conditions. When workers are part of a union, management has to share power and decision-making, and this can often be hard for management to accept. In order to stop workers from forming a union, management will often try to intimidate, divide and confuse workers. Management usually hires high-priced consultants that spread misinformation and try to divert workers’ attention from the job improvements that need to be made. Workers have learned that if they stay united and do not let management’s scare tactics distract them, then they will be successful in forming their union and winning job improvements.

Some employers will say almost anything to keep you from joining or forming a union. And with good reason: if you have a union, you have a voice in the decisions that affect you, your job, and your family. Your employer may try to tell you that unions cause everything from bad weather to economic destruction. But the truth is that labor unions are a vital part of any democracy. Union membership is as American as apple pie, and the only way many working people can exercise any control.

Who can form a Union?

We believe anyone! It is your right to form a union under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). As long as you don’t have the power to hire and fire at the workplace, you can join a Union.

Is My Employer Allowed to Close Down if We Choose to Join a Union?

No. It is illegal to close a workplace because a group of employees decide to join a Union. The choice to join a Union is yours, not your employer’s.

Who Gets to Vote on Forming a Union?

The NLRA is very specific about who can and cannot vote. Company owners and managers that hire, fire or discipline are excluded from voting.

Will we have to go on strike?

Only you and your co-workers ever get to decide whether to go on strike. The majority of the members in your workplace must vote by secret ballot in favor of a strike before a strike can be called.

What is a Union Contract?

A negotiated Union contract protects the terms and conditions of your employment. The contract is a signed guarantee from the employer, that they cannot arbitrarily make any changes in the workplace. Without a contract, your employer can change policies and conditions of work whenever they feel like it. Your rights under a Union contract cannot be altered at your employer’s whim. It is enforceable by representatives who work on your behalf with grievance and arbitration procedure.

Union Dues?

Union dues are used not only to protect jobs but to fund negotiations for better wages and working conditions, pay for professional lawyers when needed, organize more workers and thus make the union stronger, train stewards, health and safety committee activists, and to benefit the working lives of our members.

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Logo

Additional information

direct: 1-216-243-1724
Office: 1-216-241-4378


4614 Prospect Ave., Rm 421 Cleveland, OH 44103


Monday–Friday: 8:00 – 4:30

IAM Location Map